I’ve uploaded a couple of new patterns to the library. These are the first products of playing around with how much work I can actually get done in render. (A lot! ) They’re small, fast and resolution independent. Written for Pixelblaze 3, but will run on PB2 with minor changes.
Spinwheel2D (click for source)
Spinwheel 2D
Colorful, flowerlike radial spinner.
Yet another example of the complex and unpredictible things
that happen when you combine a few simple functions.
7/09/21 JEM(zranger1)
var t1,t2;
var speed = 6;
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = time(.2) * (-PI * wave(time(0.1)));
t2 = wave(time(.2)) * speed;
export function render2D(index,x,y) {
var arX = (atan2(x,y)+t1*30);
var arY = (hypot(x,y)+t2);
var phi = floor(arY) / PI2;
phi += (phi == 0) * 0.618;
arX = frac(arX);
arY = frac(arY);
var h = (.1/(arX*arX+arY*arY) * .19) * phi;
hsv(t1+(x*y)+h, 1-h, h);
Matrix Green Waterfall 2D (click for source)
Basic green "The Matrix"-style waterfall display adapted for
2D LED displays.
Not a perfect reproduction, but captures the feel pretty well,
and the code is small and fast enough to be usable as a background
or a texture in another pattern.
7/15/21 JEM(zranger1)
var speed = 20;
var hue = 0.3333;
// You may want to adjust wavebase for seriously non-rectangular
// displays. Half the number of x axis pixels is a good place
// to start.
var waveBase = (sqrt(pixelCount) / 2);
// uncomment mod() function for pixelblaze 2
//function mod(dividend, divisor) {
// var r = dividend % divisor;
// return (r > 0) != (divisor > 0) ? r + divisor : r;
export function sliderSpeed(v) {
speed = floor(50 * v);
export function beforeRender(delta) {
t1 = speed*(time(.25)+0.02);
w = waveBase + (0.5*time(.3))
export function render2D(index,x,y) {
var v = mod(y-t1,wave(x*w)); v = v * v;
hsv(hue, 1-((v > 0.8)/12), v);
Do you have a 2d pixel map installed? That function only has a render2D implemented, so will only work if there is a pixelmap with 2 dimensions. If you have a matrix there are examples to help you get a map.
Thanks for trying it out! This is turning into one of those “problem” patterns that needs a little more time to bake. It’s definitely colorful and interesting, but is also just a little on the visually disturbing side. I don’t want to make anybody fall over sideways…